Sneeuwwitje en de 7 zonden

'Sneeuwwitje en de 7 dwergen' is een alledaags bekend sprookje waarin de protagonist, 'Sneeuwwitje', geconfronteerd wordt met de antagonistische 7 dodelijke (hoofd)zonden, de dwergen. Feitelijk is dit sprookje een allegorie voor een braaf katholiek meisje die de verleidingen uit de middeleeuwse preken tegenkomt in de vormen van ijdelheid , hebzucht, lust, jaloezie, vraatzucht, woede en traagheid.

Het sprookje van de gebroeders Grimm is vooral bekend door de tekenfilmversie van Disney waarin een aantal parallellen terug te vinden zijn met de zeven hoofdzonden uit de middeleeuwse preken, maar de meeste mensen zullen de zeven hoofdzonden vooral kennen uit de spraakmakende film 'Se7en' uit 1995 uit de hand van David Fincher. Brad Pitt en Morgan Freeman openen in deze film de jacht op Kevin Spacey, een moordenaar die stelselmatig zijn slachtoffers uitkiest naar zijn theologische standpunten en vermoordt mensen die voldoen aan één van de hoofdzonden. Het karakter van Kevin Spacey ziet zichzelf als een instrument van God en is hiermee een archetype van vele mensen (Christenen en Katholieken) die in vroegere tijden extreem gewelddadige praktijken erop nahielden en niet schroomden voor bloedvergieten in de vorm van kruistochten, inquisities en heksenvervolgingen. Vandaag de dag maken dergelijke religieuzen iets minder slachtoffers, maar hun overtuigingen zijn nog maar weinig veranderd of gegroeid.

Anton LaVey prees de 7 hoofdzonden juist de hemel in:

In 'The Satanic Bible', hoofdstuk 'Some evidence of a Satanic Age' schrijft LaVey het volgende:

A Satanist knows there is nothing wrong with being greedy, as it only means that he wants more than he already has. Envy means to look with favor upon the possessions of others, and to be desirous of obtaining similar things for oneself. Envy and greed are the motivating forces of ambition - and without ambition, very little of any importance would be accomplished.

Gluttony is simply eating more than you need to keep yourself alive. When you have overeaten to the point of obesity, another sin - pride - will motivate you to regain an appearance that will renew your self-respect.

Anyone who buys an article of clothing for a purpose other than covering his body and protecting it from the elements is guilty of pride. Satanists often encounter scoffers who maintain that labels are not necessary. It must be pointed out to these destroyers of labels that one or many articles they themselves are wearing are not wearing are not necessary to keep them warm. There is not a person on this earth who is completely devoid of ornamentation. The Satanist points out that any ornamentation of the scoffer's body shows that he, too, is guilty of pride. Regardless of how verbose the cynic may be in his intellectual description of how free he is, he is still wearing the elements of pride.


Being reluctant to get up in the morning is to be guilty of sloth, and if you lie in bed long enough you may find yourself commiting yet another sin - lust. To have the faintest stirring of sexual desire is to be guilty of lust. In order to insure the propagation of humanity, nature made lust the second most powerful instinct, the first being self-preservation. Realizing this, the Christian Church made fornication the "Original Sin". In this way they made sure no one would escape sin. Your very state of being is as a result of sin - the Original sin!

The strongest instinct in every living thing is self-preservation, which brings us to the last of the seven deadly sins - anger. Is it not our instinct for self-preservation that is aroused when someone harms us, when we become angry enough to protect ourselves from further attack? A Satanist practices the motto, "If a man smite thee on one cheek, smash him on the other!" Let no wrong go unredressed. Be as a lion in the path - be dangerous even in defeat!

Since man's natural instincts lead him to sin, all men are sinners; and all sinners go to hell. If everyone goes to hell, then you will meet all your friends there. Heaven must be populated with some rather strange creatures if all they lived for was to go to a place where they can strum harps for eternity.


"Times have changed. Religious leaders no longer preach that all our natural actions are sinful. We no longer think sex is dirty - or that taking pride in ourselves is shameful - or that wanting something someone else has is vicious." Of course not, times have changed! "If you want proof of this, just look at how liberal churches have become. Why, they're practicing all the things that you preach."

Satanists hear these, and similar statements, all the time; and they agree wholeheartedly. BUT, if the world has changed so much, why continue to grasp at the threads of a dying faith? If many religions are denying their own scriptures because they are out of date, and are preaching the philosophies of Satanism, why not call it by its rightful name - Satanism? Certainly it would be far less hypocritical.

In recent years there has been an attempt to humanize the spiritual concept of Christianity. This has manifested itself in the most obvious non-spiritual means. Masses which had been said in Latin are now said in native languages - which only succeeds in making the nonsense easier to understand, and at the same time robs the ceremony of the esoteric nature which is consistent with the tenets of the dogma. It is much simpler to obtain an emotional reaction using words and phrases that cannot be understood than it is with statements which even the simplest mind will question when hearing them in an understandable language.

If priests and ministers were to have used the devices to fill their churches one hundred years ago that they use today, they would have been charged with heresy, called devils, oft-times persecuted, but certainly excommunicated without hesitation.

The religionists wail, "We must keep up with the times," forgetting that, due to limiting factors and deeply engrained laws of white light religions, there can never be sufficient change to meet the needs of man.

Past religions have always represented the spiritual nature of man, with little or no concern for his carnal or mundane needs. They have considered this life but transitory, and the flesh merely a shell; physical pleasure trivial, and pain a worthwhile preparation for the "Kingdom of God". How well the utter hypocrisy comes forth when the "righteous" make a change in their religion to keep up with man's natural change! The only way that Christianity can ever completely serve the needs of man is to become as Satanism is NOW.

It has become necessary for a NEW religion, based on man's natural instincts, to come forth. THEY have named it. It is called Satanism. It is that power condemned that has caused the religious controversy over birth-control measures - a disgruntled admission that sexual activity, for fun, is here to stay.


It is the "Devil" who caused women to show their legs, to titillate men - the same kind of legs, now socially acceptable to gaze upon, which are revealed by young nuns as they walk about in their shortened habits. What a delightful step in the right (or left) direction! Is it possible we will soon see "topless" nuns sensually throwing their bodies about to the "Missa Solemnis Rock"? Satan smiles and says he would like that fine - many nuns are very pretty girls with nice legs.

Many churches with some of the largest congregations have the most hand-clapping, sensual music - also Satanically inspired. After all, the Devil has always had the best tunes.

Church picnics, despite all of Aunt Martha's talk about the Lord's Bountiful Harvest, are nothing more than a good excuse for Sunday gluttony; and everyone knows that lots more than Bible reading goes on in the bushes.

The fund-raising adjunct to many church bazaars is commonly known as a carnival, which used to mean the celebration of the flesh; now a carnival is okay because the money goes to the church so that it can preach against the temptations of the Devil! It will be said that these things are only pagan devices and ceremonies - that the Christians borrowed them. True, but the Pagans revelled in the delights of the flesh, and were condemned by the very same people who celebrate their rituals, but call them by different names.


Priests and ministers are in the front lines of peace demonstrations, and lying on railroad tracks in front of trains carrying war materials, with as much dedication as their brothers of the cloth, from the same seminaries, who are blessing the bullets and bombs and fighting men as chaplains in the armed forces. Someone must be wrong, someplace. Could it be that Satan is the one qualified to act as accuser? Certainly they named him that!

When a puppy reaches maturity it becomes a dog; when ice melts it is called water; when twelve months have been used up, we get a new calendar with the proper chronological name; when "magic" becomes scientific fact we refer to it as medicine, astronomy, etc. When one name is no longer appropriate for a given thing it is only logical to change it to a new one which better fits the subject. Why, then, do we not follow suit in the area of religion? Why continue to call a religion the same name when the tenets of that religion no longer fit the original one? Or, if religion does preach the same things that it always has, but its followers practice nearly none of its teachings, why do they continue to call themselves by the name given to followers of that religion?

If you do not believe in what your religion teaches, why continue to support a belief which is contradictory with your feelings. You would never vote for a person or issue you did not believe in, so why cast your ecclesiastical vote for a religion which is not consistent with your convictions? You have no right to complain about a political situation you have voted for or supported in any way - which includes sitting back and complacently agreeing with neighbors who approve the situation, just because you are too lazy or cowardly to speak your mind. So it is with religious balloting. Even if you cannot be aggressively honest about your opinions because of unfavorable consequences from employers, community leaders, etc., you can, at least, be honest with yourself. In the privacy of your own home and with close friends you must support religion which has YOUR best interests at heart.

Binnen het Satanisme wordt vervulling geven aan de 7 hoofdzonden als iets gezonds gezien. Wanneer je zelf tot de conclusie bent gekomen dat de Judeo-Christelijke-Islamitische standpunten, leerstelsels en ideeën jou niet dienen en de bijbehorende 'God' niet bestaat en beschouwd kan worden als een 'ondeugdelijk product dat niet doet wat de menselijke vertegenwoordigers in hun verkooppraatjes pretendeerden en beloofden', dan kun je God terug brengen. De gegeven garanties door gelovigen blijken dan helaas leugens, misleidingen of halve waarheden te zijn geweest, dus je geld krijg je niet terug, maar je kunt er in ieder geval een punt achter zetten en (terug) gaan naar je karakter zoals dat werkelijk was of is.

Snel volgt al het bevredigende gevoel en je zult weer gaan stralen, ongeacht wat je psychologische of psychiatrische problemen ook moge zijn geweest in de tijd dat je geleefd werd door anderen, 'betweters', en er een klimaat was waarin je tevreden moest zijn met antwoorden die feitelijk helemaal geen antwoorden zijn.

Je omgeving zal merken dat je als persoon groeit en in eerste instantie zullen ze het fijn vinden jou zo gelukkig te zien stralen, maar het zal ook enige jaloezie teweeg brengen of hen vraagtekens geven. De ironie is zelfs dat er mensen zullen zijn die denken dat je een nieuwe religie of spirituele stroming/guru hebt gevonden, maar in werkelijkheid weet jij dat je zo gelukkig, daadkrachtig en stralend bent omdat je je recht terug hebt genomen om ruimte te hebben, te zijn wie je bent en je nu gaat groeien in sferen waarin je talenten ten volle benut kunnen worden en zelfs van nut gaan zijn. Je lacht in je vuistje omdat niemand weet dat je in werkelijkheid de Satanische filosofie toepast en de werken van Anton LaVey in je hart hebt gesloten.


Alleen jij weet dat en misschien iemand die je in vertrouwen hebt genomen. In het publieke leven, zoals op social media en op je werk, kies je zelf ervoor in hoeverre je Satanisme wel of niet uitdraagt, maar de kans is heel groot dat je het soort Satanist zult zijn waar niemand het van weet en waar niemand het ook van verwacht, omdat je niet voldoet aan het stereotype beeld van een Satanist zoals dat ooit is bedacht en verzonnen door kleinzielige christenen, leugenaars en meer van dergelijke mensen die feitelijk totaal niet weten waarover ze praten en klakkeloos anderen napraten en te lui zijn om hun huiswerk (zelf) te doen. Ze praten anderen na en presenteren hun eigen interpretaties en (waan)ideeën als objectieve gegevens, wat ze in werkelijkheid helemaal niet zijn.


Iedere psychologische, ethische, coachende, moralistische therapeut of goeroe vandaag de dag verkondigt reflecties van de leerstellingen en werken van Anton LaVey. En jij weet dat. Jij weet dat, omdat je de werken van Anton LaVey hebt gelezen, bestudeert en je eigen hebt gemaakt.


Gan heen en leef, beste Satanist! Leef en wees wie je werkelijk bent, creëer een barrière tussen jou en de tegenstanders in de maatschappij, de christenen en andere verwanten met gelijkwaardige houdingen die jou willen veranderen tot iets wat helemaal niet bij jou past en wie/wat je van nature helemaal niet bent. 


Hallelujah, motherfuckers!


Magus Marinus van Zwoll, 22 november 2017

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